Ziyu Zhu

I am a third-year student at the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science(EECS) of Peking University.

I am currently advised by Prof. Hao Dong and Dr. Ruihai Wu at Hyperplane Lab.

My research interest lies in robotics and computer vision, with the goal of enabling robots to perform dextrous tasks with adaptability, generalizability and safety.

Email: 2200012964 [at] stu.pku.edu.cn

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Selected Publications      (* denotes equal contribution)
Point-Level Visual Affordance Guided Retrieval and Adaptation for Cluttered Garments Manipulation
Ruihai Wu*, Ziyu Zhu*, Yuran Wang*, Yue Chen, Jiarui Wang, Hao Dong
CVPR 2025
project page (coming soon) / paper (coming soon) / code (coming soon) / video (coming soon)

We study the novel task of cluttered garments manipulation using dense visual affordance, with generalization towards diverse states, and propose a novel adaptation module to reorganize cluttered garments into configurations conducive to manipulation.

GarmentLab: A Unified Simulation and Benchmark for Garment Manipulation
Haoran Lu*, Ruihai Wu*, Yitong Li*, Sijie Li, Ziyu Zhu, Chuanruo Ning, Yan Shen, Longzan Luo, Yuanpei Chen, Hao Dong
NeurIPS 2024
Spotlight Presentation at ICRA 2024 Workshop on Deformable Object Manipulation
project page / paper / code / video

We present GarmentLab, a benchmark designed for garment manipulation within realistic 3D indoor scenes. Our benchmark encompasses a diverse range of garment types, robotic systems and manipulators including dexterous hands. The multitude of tasks included in the benchmark enables further exploration of the interactions between garments, deformable objects, rigid bodies, fluids, and avatars.


Peking University (PKU)
2022.09 - Present
Undergraduate Student
Major: Computer Science (CS)

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